
Flowers of Cambodia & Malaysia

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Malaysia Time

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Malaysia and Cambodia


This is about my upcoming trip to Malaysia and Cambodia. The first part is pre-trip - information about flights, itineraries, accommodation and all the things that you need to do to plan an overseas holiday. This is my first trip to Asia and I hope it may help others. Comments are very welcome and anyone who has travelled to Malaysia and/or Cambodia, please feel free to comment and offer any advice or tips that you think would be helpful. As of today ( 28th February) , in exactly 11 days (minus 30 minutes) I will be in Kuala Lumpur.

I had the most amazing time and hope you enjoy reading about my trip. Each post is numbered and I'm doing them in order from start to finish - a little like a diary.



41. Preah Promreah Pagoda - 3

The Murals

Above: Murals
Everywhere on the exterior walls were the most colourful and brightly painted murals.

Above: Mural 2
Colourful murals everywhere.

Above: Mural 3

Above: Mural 4
You can walk around the perimeter of the buildings and on every inch are murals, murals, murals.

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